Supporting the People
charity begins...
"Making the world a better place for the less fortunate"
- Awaké Foundation
support the people
Individuals can have a big impact on the fight against hunger and inadequacy. A few hours of your time could make huge difference and a long-term positive impact in somebody else’s life just by volunteering.
In volunteering, we tend to find ourselves and our purposes, as well as gain leadership and nonprofit administrative experiences.
get our Merch!
As a charity NGO, we desire to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those in need, and we’re excited to introduce a new way for you to support our work. By purchasing one of our stylish and ethically-made t-shirts, you not only get to wear a symbol of hope and unity but also directly contribute to our cause. Every t-shirt you buy helps us fund our essential programs and initiatives aimed at improving the lives of underprivileged individuals and communities.